
  1. No griefing (changing other players' builds without permission).

  2. No stealing. Our claims plugin generally prevents this, as long as you claim your land and lock your chests. It's your fault if you leave things out for the taking.

  3. Be kind; no insulting, harassing, or abusing other players (whether using words or other means); no severely profane language.

  4. No killing or trapping other players. We have a Duel plugin (/challenge) for fights.

  5. No cheating, "hacking", "hacked" clients, or using modifications that give you an unfair advantage. This includes using X-Ray and auto-clickers. Optifine is OK. Feel free to ask about ones you want to use.

  6. No advertising, including messages such as "Send me a private message for information about another server!"

  7. We do allow alternate accounts, but no more than one per player.

  8. Zero-tick Machines are discouraged.

  9. AFK/AFK farms are allowed. Please do not circumvent the idle timeout/kick.

  10. Automatic animal farms are discouraged.

  11. Automatic farms are allowed. However, please do not build mob farms near spawn or shop town, except from natural spawners.

Other notes:

  • Withers spawn only in the end (not in the overworld or nether).

  • The group auto-kick is set to 100 days, but we recommend logging in at least once each week to keep your claims active.

    • Punishments for breaking our rules will vary case by case, but can result in being muted, both temporary and permanent, or for serious offenses, temporary or permanent IP bans. If you wish to appeal your case, use the online forum.